Safety on Playgrounds

Safety is our #1 priority

With LoggyLand Playgrounds you can rest assured that every play equipment has been tested by TÜV Nord in Germany and complies with the European Safety Standards DIN EN 71-1 and 8/ DIN EN 1176-1 and 2 for domestic and commercial playgrounds.

Examples of requirements of European Safety Standards are:

Equipment separation: Defined as the space required for the safe use of the equipment

Overall height of equipment: Shall be at a height not more than 250 cm above the ground

Protection against entrapment: All accessible completely bound openings shall not be between 13cm and 24cm, when over a height of 60cm.

Swing requirements: The minimum space between the seats of swings shall be at least 70 mm with 60 mm space to the frame. They shall have a seat ground clearance in the rest position of 35 cm.

Equipment barriers: Prevent children from running through playground structures and help to create a safety space around swings